How to Actually Follow Through on Your Goals or Resolutions

Now that we’re in the first week of 2021, you may be wondering if you can actually follow through on your resolutions (if you’ve even set any in the first place). 

The strategic planning process for my life has grown on me over the years. I hope you at least consider it. 

Here’s an overview of the process:

Getting into the nitty gritty and actually doing the practices that support our goals/resolutions is where things usually start to break down.  

I find Gabriele Oettingen’s WOOP to be an effective way to plan against all the ways that I’ll try to get myself out of doing my resolution. 

It stands for Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan:

  • What is your wish or concern?
  • What would be the best outcome in fulfilling your wish? How will fulfilling your wish make you feel? 
  • What obstacle within you keeps you from fulfilling your wish?
  • What is your plan for addressing your inner obstacle? 

It’s quick, simple, and realistic. 

You can learn more about Gabriele’s work from her interview on Hidden Brain or in her book, Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation.

Why not try your first WOOP now? 





  1. Thank you for simplifying this and sharing this resource. K owing someone else is continually working on their process is motivating!

    1. Thanks, Gina! It’s always a work in progress 🙂

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